Keep putting one foot in front of the other

Keep putting one foot in front of the other: This is something that my mother said over and over again when I was a child. It didn't mean much to me until I was an adult and actually experienced hardships that slowed me down. Now when bad things happen, I remember her words and it helps me get perspective.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The day after September 11...

I read a post online today about the day after 9/11 in 2001. About how our nation was in shock and disbelief. If you read my older posts, you will see that I told my own story about 9/11 on this blog last year, but I found it interesting to think about the day after.  I began to think that maybe America was softening in its memory of that horrific day.

In parallel to reading the online post, I watched the news today and saw yesterday’s tributes to the victims and heroes of 11 years ago. There were photos of people in small country towns holding flags and signs that said, “We will never forget.” There were images of the tributes and the broken families left behind at the Pentagon, the World Trade Center site, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

But I realized that America was not softening when I heard the news about the U.S. Embassy in Libya. The reports now say that the protest outside the Embassy may have been used as a front for a terrorist act by Al-Queda. The U.S. Ambassador was killed, along with three other brave Americans. Our President made it clear to the terrorists that we will get justice for this act, and it is a sober reminder that Americans remain targets in this world. We will never forget. 

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