Keep putting one foot in front of the other

Keep putting one foot in front of the other: This is something that my mother said over and over again when I was a child. It didn't mean much to me until I was an adult and actually experienced hardships that slowed me down. Now when bad things happen, I remember her words and it helps me get perspective.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


I have so many good memories of Thanksgiving. It was one of my mom's favorite holidays because it was not commercial - of course she has been gone more than 20 years now and there was no Black Friday craziness back then. My mom and day often hosted Thanksgiving and one memorable one was when we had so many people that we had to eat in our basement - not in the dining room. And we ate on a ping pong table! But it was fun and boisterous.

This year, my cousin hosted it and after dinner we watched an old-fashioned slide show from the old days (1960s). Lots of old pictures of loved ones and not-so-loved ones! You all know what I mean - skeletons in the closet, bad things that happened, events that go unspoken. I focus on the good memories because the bad are often too dark to dwell upon.

There are so many things to be thankful for: family, friends, employment (!), good health. I am blessed and know it. I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving weekend with your loved ones, and hopefully some of them were your family, too!

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