Keep putting one foot in front of the other

Keep putting one foot in front of the other: This is something that my mother said over and over again when I was a child. It didn't mean much to me until I was an adult and actually experienced hardships that slowed me down. Now when bad things happen, I remember her words and it helps me get perspective.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Elizabeth Edwards: a reminder of my mother

The death of Elizabeth Edwards reminds me of when my mother died. She, too, was 61 when she died, and she, too, was a professional. My mom was an eye doctor and was a pioneer in the contact lens field. Both women died from metastasized breast cancer, which finally hit their livers. What is interesting about the comparisons is that both women suffered a trauma while they were battling cancer that, in my opinion, caused their cancer to get worse and ultimately kill them. We all know that Elizabeth Edwards suffered public humiliation and personal devastation because of her husband's infidelity. My mom suffered from the aftershocks of a car accident, in which a drunken man stepped in front of her car while she was driving on a side street. She hit him, but did not kill him. She broke his leg, and when he found out she was a doctor, he sued her. This turn of events impacted my mother greatly, and I believe played a part in her cancer returning. The lawsuit was settled shortly before her death, but the knawing reminder of it haunted her last days. I don't know about you, but I believe that one's frame of mind and attitude play a key role in fighting illness and disease. I am sad, once again, for another woman who has lost her battle against this horrible disease. Elizabeth Edwards, you will be remembered well and missed greatly, just as my mother is.

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